单词 on cue 例句大全,用单词on cue造句:

She was able to blush on cue, Papp said.
Study on the proliferation cueture of active dry yeast
On cue, mother moaned in the background.
在开端上, 母亲在背景方面呻吟。
Right on cue, the cracks in Bretton Woods are becoming clear.
Its almost eight oclock. As if on cue the bell in the chapel began to toll for Matins.
Babies who are breast fed on cue and offered unrestricted feedings tend to grow faster.
Well, she's not gonna do it on cue.
The choir was sitting up front ready to sing on cue.
on cue
On cue, there was a knock at the door.
正在这个时候, 有人敲门。
The horses reacted as if on cue.
Right on cue, the tailors wife began to weep, pitifully.
Kevin arrived right on cue to care for Harry.
On cue, the star of the show delivers her lines.
在该节目中, 该明星给观众们倾情表演。
Helpfully on cue, piracy now seems less of a threat.
周末的首日放映场, 观众坐的不多也不少。
Any part or view of it can be displayed on cue.
这个时候, 客厅得任何一个部分都可以尽显无疑。
He said she will be back very soon and, right on cue, she walked in.
他说她很快就回来, 说着说着, 她走进来了。
Feeding your baby on cue will get your milk supply in line with your baby's needs.
按需哺乳, 可以保证乳量满足宝宝的需要。
He said she would be back very soon and, right on cue, she walked in.
他说她很快就回来, 说著说著, 她走进来了。
He said his mother would be back very soon and, right on cue, she walked in.
I was dealing with the broken glass, when right on cue mother came in.
Now, right on cue, a tall stranger slipped into the bar and sat down.
As if on cue, Iran staged remarkable rally to book their semifinal place.
如对线索, 伊朗上演了显着反弹预订他们半决赛的地方。
As if on cue, a pair of fighter jets roars into the sky from the Naval Air Station.
就在这时, 一对战斗机呼啸着从海军航空站飞向天际。
He read the scene, with Seaton cueing him.
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