The method of the traditional accounting to deal with the product warranty cost is out of date.
Your license is almost out of date, by the way, don't forget.
Well, this model is already out of date.
If the antivirus program is out of date, you will need to update it.
Is Moore law out of date since Nano electronic devices have been appeared
This atlas has gone out of date.
Once bronze became available, stone tools began to go out of date.
一旦铜的提炼成为可能, 石器便开始淘汰。
This backup disk is out of date. The matching user account is no longer present on this computer.
The hunt became out of date.
Becoming inflexible or out of date.
no longer in use out of date Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.
如今, 见面时向女士行鞠躬礼己是过时的习俗。
When brawn and muscle was out of date, brain and mentaility came to stage.
A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.
稳居者, 遁世者被认为是离群索居, 反动的, 过时的或野蛮的人
Is traditional budget principle out of date
This cam happen if you run a internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date.
As a result, the equipment in many centres is out of date, even obsolete.
因此, 很多新闻中心的设备已经过时, 甚至陈旧不堪。
I may be wearing clothes out of date. You may be wearing clothes of time yet to be.
All my clothes are out of date.
The gas masks were collected last year because they were out of date.
去年, 这些防毒面具由于过了有效期而被收回。
The Commission noted that some of the material contained in the2001 recommendations was out of date.
Completely out of date but still standing.
完全过时了, 但依然屹立不倒。
I don't care for computer books, since they tend to go out of date really quickly.
Your computer is out of date.
The message box is not displayed and the out of date project configuration is built.
将不显示消息框, 并且生成过期项目配置。
The message box is not displayed and the out of date project configuration is not built.
将不显示消息框, 并且不生成过期项目配置。
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