单词 out of the ordinary 例句大全,用单词out of the ordinary造句:

Not adhering to convention out of the ordinary.
It is adopted solid wood with high quality , its elasticity and resonance guarantee the music out of the ordinary.
精选优质实木, 其弹性与共振性保障了音乐的不同凡响。
It is not out of the ordinary to see Pinot aged in heavily toasted oak.
This tends to make the Great Pyrenees slightly aloof around strangers and out of the ordinary situations.
But mean reversion never anticipates anything out of the ordinary.
You notice anything else, anything out of the ordinary ?
你还注意到什么了吗?, 什么不平常的事?
He disliked anything that was out of the ordinary.
Enjoy Guide hot spring bath, take you experience the out of the ordinary of the plateau ecological health!
Head scared the old lady look at, to see him mental healthy, bearing out of the ordinary.
太太婆惊目细看, 见他鹤发童颜, 精神矍铄, 气宇不凡。
I stepped into the bedroom and looked around, but there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.
我走进卧室, 朝四下里张望, 没看见有什么异常。
His behaviour is nothing out of the ordinary, ie not unusual.
This is something a bit out of the ordinary.
Her one out of the ordinary blip in spending was a scholarship program she created for Lake Forest College, her alma mater.
Her new house is certainly out of the ordinary.
What the saint porch decorate the out of the ordinary characteristic and the superiority is
He is quite out of the ordinary, and his work is exceptional.
Not saving it would be something out of the ordinary that should be handled by some dusty dialog box.
Her performance is out of the ordinary. No disgusting thing may be your food.
Have you been eating anything out of the ordinary lately.
Have you been eating anything out of the ordinary lately
最近你有吃什么平常不吃得东西 吗
When questioned about the light that radiates from enlightened beings, Master responded that this was nothing out of the ordinary.
Your decision to be, have and do something out of ordinary entails facing difficulties that are out of the ordinary as well.
He always does something fancy or out of the ordinary.
Has anything out of the ordinary happened since I've been away
Out of the ordinary you are lucky, why becomes by oneself and others is the same.
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单词 out of the ordinary 释义

  • 单词释义:不平常的,非凡的,例外的;逾常;非比寻常;与众不同  [更多..]



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