单词 go on strike 例句大全,用单词go on strike造句:

The meeting pass or carry or adopt a resolution to go on strike.
A Senate committee, decision The meeting pass or carry or adopt a resolution to go on strike.
The workers banded with people from all walks of ligfe to go on strike.
If the buses and underground go on strike, business in London will grind to halt.
如果公共汽车和地铁续继罢工, 伦敦的商业就会逐渐瘫痪。
French casino table game workers go on strike
You go on strike because you want three cows.
但是你仍然罢工, 因为你想拥有三头牛。
It was said that if they dared to go on strike, they would be fired.
有人说如果他们敢去罢工, 将会被开除。
The workers decided to go on strike.
Yesterday, the high flame hood hob decides to go on strike.
昨天, 快火的那个炉头罢工了。
Incite other employees to go on strike.
Employees should have the right to go on strike without the risk of being permanently replaced.
Mr Hu encouraged the workers to go on strike in order to fish in troubled waters.
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单词 go on strike 释义



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