单词 wake up to 例句大全,用单词wake up to造句:

Those are jerry, adulteration makes false enterprise should wake up to and avoid danger at the last moment!
那些偷工减料, 掺杂使假的企业应该悬崖勒马了!
On another day we wake up to the news of the murder of the American ambassador and the attack on the consulate.
另一天我们看到 谋杀美国大使和袭击美国领事馆的新闻。
Corporate America is starting to wake up to all this.
Yet we all might wake up to realise that The Mirage is the most appropriate name for such a venue.
On another day we wake up to the news of the assassination of army officers.
又一天我们看到 暗杀军官的新闻。
Id wake up to find myself eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
They should wake up to the danger they are in.
We must wake up to the dangers facing our country.
We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.
We wake up to find that we were dear to eachother.
One day we wake up to the news of the desecration of ancient mosques and Sufi tombs.
一天我们看到 亵渎古代清真寺和苏非圣徒墓的新闻。
Once we dreamt that we were strangers.We wake up to find we were dear to each other.
Do you think he will wake up to reality due to your provocation?
Do you think he will wake up to reality due to your provocation
你以为你这样激将, 他就会醒悟吗?
I love to wake up to each new day
The reality is that America is yet to wake up to the full extent of its fiscal nightmare.
People need to wake up to the fact that the earth's resources are not infinite.
Figured she'd want to wake up to a clean kitchen.
That's not nearly as much fun to wake up to.
We wake up to find that we were to each other.
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单词 wake up to 释义



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