单词 with respect to 例句大全,用单词with respect to造句:

Bodyguard has seized drug with respect to get down abdomen.
With respect to fleet of longline fishing of our country tuna development makes an abecedarian discuss.
With respect to national justice systems, we especially welcome Rwanda's decision to formally abolish the death penalty.
All shareholders with conflict of intersts with respect to those of the corporation have a duty to abstain from voting in any such matter.
ACCELERATION, The rate of change in velocity with respect to time.
加速度, 随时间变化的速度改变率。
Acceptance of the System shall not release Vendor from other warranty obligations with respect to the System.
Marco Fu after Tencent accepted exclusive interview with respect to their dissatisfaction with the performance.
You have a right of request for access and correction with respect to personal data.
Important progress has also been made with respect to access for missions to Mogadishu.
With respect to my individual ability, I can accomplish lucid understanding maths.
就我个人能力来说, 数学是我能做到透彻理解的。
Management has two conflicting objectives with respect to the accounts receivable.
Accumulate a dozen eggs every time, I sell fund with respect to meeting go off with.
每次累积到一打蛋, 我就会拿去卖钱。
With respect to my individual character, also can accumulate bit of experience and lesson 10 years after all.
就我个人而言, 十年毕竟也能积累点经验和教训。
The correct formula with respect to the right rectangle formula was presented, which had two degree algebraic accuracy.
还得到了右矩形公式的校正公式, 它具有二次代数精度
The Prosecutor has also appealed the judgement with respect to the acquittal of the accused of certain crimes.
Acedia firm. How good with respect to the mood!
Before forthcoming month classics left abdomens often ache, came with respect to indolence what reason is?
The motivation for change was to achieve improved functionality with respect to reporting.
With respect to dawn horn acting character, have the branch of article result gest.
Current, actor net already attracted partial advocate put in advertisement with respect to this drama.
Please see question5 and question6 above with respect to additional housing measures.
A number of suggestions were made with respect to additional issues to be discussed in chapter VII.
Before we could prepare quotation, however, we would need some additional information with respect to the questions, which are on the attached sheet.
Any issues with respect to the desirability of retroactive effectiveness should be addressed in the Guide.
The administration of the work with respect to experimental animals in the armed forces shall be governed with reference to these Regulations.
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单词 with respect to 释义

  • 单词释义:关于, (至于)谈到  [更多..]



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