单词 at the outset 例句大全,用单词at the outset造句:

As I said at the outset, I do not give much importance to abstract concepts.
Even ten thousand years hence, things progressive will still be abused at the outset.
一万年以后, 先进的东西开始也还是要挨骂的。
I never understood why he didn't just accede to our demands at the outset.
No supporting documents are accepted at the outset.
As I indicated at the outset, it does not suffice to adopt broad norms and standards.
We will advise you that, in our opinion, it is better not to appoint an exclusive distributor at the outset.
兹告知, 我方认为在开始阶段以不委托任何包销为宜。
I was wrong, wrong, at the outset, love you, love cannot extricate oneself.
我错了, 错在一开始就爱上你, 爱的无法自拔。
At the outset of his career, he was full of ambition but not anymore.
在事业刚开始时, 他踌躇满志, 但是现在却变了。
Analyse first at the outset both difference.
But I still remember you at the outset let me move of appearance.
At the outset the economic foundations of the cooperatives are not strong enough and they need state assistance.
合作社开始时期经济基础不大, 需要国家帮助。
Everything was at sixes and sevens at the outset
乱七八糟, 意见分歧
Why at the outset would we bring Resurrection of believer the picture ?
These clients are blaming him in succession at the outset choice.
See you at the outset whether set share out bonus is converted endowment, turn into fund portion directly.
看一下你当初是否设定了分红转投资, 直接转成了基金份额。
This was briefly discussed at the outset of this chapter.
That is to say, we at the outset plan picture is complete bubble soup.
也就是说, 我们当初的计画完全泡汤了。
We should check erroneous ideas at the outset to nip an evil in the bud.
我们应该防微杜渐, 把祸害消灭在萌芽之中。
Everything went rather smooth at the outset of her career.
At the outset of her career she was full of optimism but not now.
At the outset of his career he was full of optimism but not now.
They were discouraged from marrying at the outset of their careers.
I wish at the outset to thank the United Kingdom for carrying forward this extremely important and timely initiative.
Talking about the communes, at the outset, we think that a caveat is due.
在一开始就谈论公社, 我们认为可能会是件犯忌的事儿。
That would certainly be preferable to a competitive situation at the outset.
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单词 at the outset 释义



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