单词 rise to the occasion 例句大全,用单词rise to the occasion造句:

So when sexy Sheila closed in on him, he could not arise to the occasion.
所以当性感希拉包围了他, 但他不可能出现。
The champion is known to rise to the occasion.
Twelve people is a lot to cook for, but I'm sure she'll rise to the occasion.
Cultivate and guide social opinions and expand the spirit of gallantry rise to the occasion
You can depend on him to rise to the occasion, if need be.
King looked round at them all, and made an effort to rise to the occasion.
金看看大伙儿, 并竭力应付好这个局面。
He is now experienced enough to rise to the occasion.
Let me explain a point at which we did not rise to the occasion.
You can not rise to the occasion.Just getting started seems impossible.
You can use this as a time to rise to the occasion and be noticed.
您能利用这个时机挺身而出, 让别人注意到您。
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单词 rise to the occasion 释义

  • 单词释义:能够应付;临机处宜  [更多..]



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