单词 carriage over 例句大全,用单词carriage over造句:

She saw him glance over her slim and erect carriage.
Its advertisement was all over in the Metro carriage.
The carriage got out of control and ran over a pedestrian.
And let me out of this carriage before I jump over the wheels.
赶快让我下车, 要不然我就跳下去。
And one day, a guy ran over the cat with his horse drawn carriage.
有一天, 有个人用他得车将猫压死。
A gun carriage elevated so that the gun can be fired over the parapet.
Go tell Pork to hitch up the carriage and take you over to play with Beau.
去告诉波克, 让他套车送你到那边跟? ? ? ? 玩去。
The paper introduces the technology of form turn over by carriage climbing for the construction of high bridge pier.
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