单词 cashed 例句大全,用单词cashed造句:

This company cashed in on its rival's difficulties by doubling its production.
这间公司利用其竞争对手得困境, 乘机把产量扩大一倍。
Can I have this money order cashed, please Enclosed is our bill; please remit.
All bonus amounts must be wagered at least 10 times before it can be cashed out.
This kind of check can be cashed or exchanged at any time anywhere in the country.
这种支票, 可以在全国范围内随时通兑或交换。
A crossed cheque would not normally cashed, but would need to be paid into an account.
These COMP points can be converted to real money that can be cashed out or played with.
People were nervous, and the military establishments, backed by arms industries, cashed in.
人们都很紧张, 而军事机构在军火工业的支持下乘机渔利。
Postage certificates sold shall not be cashed in postal enterprises or their Branch offices.
Bob used the money he stole from his company to gamble again. This time, he cashed in. He made a lot of money.
他用从公司偷的钱赌博。现在, 他兑现了大笔钱。
I understand very well that they are to be countersigned only in face at the cashier when I want them to be cashed.

单词 cashed 释义

  • 单词释义:把支票兑换成现金( cash的过去式 )  [更多..]



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