单词 careful for 例句大全,用单词careful for造句:

I advise you to be very careful over the next few weeks,old Sanders is gunning for you.
With Mr Obama, Chinese officials were careful to limit opportunities for embarrassment.
克公来那次, 电视台也转播了, 发布会也直播了。
As for the nationalist discourse, Tao also believe that to be careful to be contextualized.
I advise you to be very careful over the next several weeks, old Sanders is gunning for you.
He did not know that the Believers had already made careful plans for their Day of Judgment.
Based on careful calculation, the apparatus for automatic desanding with oil tank was designed.
Be careful for the washing label, label, other stitching label check that the stitching is right.
根据要求检查洗标, 主标等缝标, 是否缝合正确。
When you have to plan together for the future, you are equally careful without being overcautious.
Be careful what you do, for there is no injustice with the LORD our God, or partiality or taking bribes.
With selfconfident freeing and far from philistinism as with careful and showing consideration for it soul!
The company is also careful to point to its privacy policy for every single Google product on its Web pages.
BE careful not to cut the large tendons just BElow the hock for they will BE needed when hoisting the carcass.
注意不要切到跗关节下的筋, 因为吊起肉尸时还需要它。
The tourists felt indebted to the travel service for the careful arrangement of the trip to Huangshan Mountain.
The potassium nitrate is of an explosive nature. It calls for overall and careful custody in the process of carriage.
硝酸钾是爆炸物品, 运输过程中它需要全面细心的保管。
Contest for Supremacy offers a careful and compelling examination of the USChinese relationship from a number of angles.
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