单词 Carole 例句大全,用单词Carole造句:

carole cooper, norwich norfolk, UK
Carole hunched on the chair and lapped up comics.
卡罗尔弯着背坐在椅子上, 将连环画卷叠起来。
Something in his tone made Carole glance at him sharply.
Carole, could it be that Dog is more of a brute than a bigot
卡洛尔, 会不会是狗更多地是一种简单粗暴的比比戈?
She has thus established herself as nearroyalty to Randy and Carole.
译这样, 对兰蒂和卡罗来说, 她几乎成了皇室成员。
Carole Pearse says her scalp starts tingling when snow is on the way.
英国一名妇女声称, 她可以预测什么时候下雪。

单词 Carole 释义



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