单词 carry through 例句大全,用单词carry through造句:

At all events we will carry the struggle through to the end.
In the evening let me carry thy lamp through the stormy path.
在夜晚, 让我提着你的灯, 顶风冒雨前进吧。
It's a difficult job but she's the person to carry it through.
这是件艰巨得工作, 但她是能胜任得。
Will there be enough hay to carry the cattle through the season?
We hope to carry out civic education through various activities.
通过成人仪式, 强化学生依法享有公民的权利和义务的意识。
His criminal plan didnt carry through, that drove him in a miff.
罪恶得计划没有实现, 让他恼羞成怒。
The table is too wide, and we can't carry it through the doorway.
这桌子太宽, 从门口过不去。
His criminal plan didn't carry through, that drove him in a miff.
The glass table is too wide, we cant carry in through the doorway.
玻璃桌子太宽, 我们无法把它抬过门道。
Ada makes good plans but she cannot carry through with any of them.
埃达的计划倒也订得不错, 只是往往没能坚持实行到底。
They decided to carry the task through in spite of the difficulties.
We must carry the experiment through to the end, not give up halfway.
They selflessly gave their all to carry through technical innovations.
it is often easier to carry it through to the end than to stop halfway.
Organize and carry through the company management guideline and target.
组织贯彻实施公司管理方针, 目标。
They wondered whether the brigade could carry such a bold scheme through.
And would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts.
We aim to carry through forcefully with forward-looking structural reforms.
Carry through the supplier performance ration annually to the current supplier.
What I couldn't accomplish in my own person perhaps I can carry out through him.
我自己本身做不到的, 也许在他身上可以做到哪。
We don't have the confidence that the UN will carry through a sustained program.
He thought nothing of danger and agreed to carry a message through enemy country.
He would carry a shotgun on his shoulder and walk about for hours through the woods.
他会背着猎枪, 在森林里走上数小时。
They cannot acquire extol forever because their action cannot carry through the end.
Perform, achieve, effect, fulfill These verbs signify to carry through to completion.
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单词 carry through 释义

  • 单词释义:把…带[搬]进去…;完成;帮助…渡过难关  [更多..]



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