单词 carry through 例句大全,用单词carry through造句:

During the training, you can expect to carry through tasks as if you were in practice.
The projectile loom uses a small projectile to carry the filling yarn through the shed.
Carry on rising through your boutique consultancy for as long as you can possibly afford.
We believe this revolutionary tradition will carry through from generation to generation.
They breathe through uncomfortable respirators or carry heavy oxygen tanks on their backs.
Through four aspects of the argument, there are a series of measures to carry out hepatitis B science.
This basic outline should be enough to carry you through the functional programming examples in this article.
I believe that through our close cooperation of both sides will be able to carry out mutually beneficial trade.
carry forward the fine tradition of building the country and handling all affairs through diligence and frugality
发扬勤俭建国, 勤俭办一切事业的优良作风
Compared with the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit accepts the command of the control unit to carry through action.
Hawke teaches effective breakout strategies and techniques that carry optimal dive speed through the breakout stroke cycle.
It is proposed to carry through Slope Treatment by cutting slope to reduce load and Prestressed Cable Reinforcement Scheme.
Carry on customers investigation through the mobile dream network, more succinct and more convenient than traditional Internet.
通过移动梦网进行客户调查, 比传统互联网更简洁方便。
We know, though, that memory involves chemicals called neurotransmitters-one of which is acetylcholine-and the signals they carry through the brain.
At present our country is passing through a significant period in its history as we strive to carry forward the revolutionary cause and open up new vistas for it.
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单词 carry through 释义

  • 单词释义:把…带[搬]进去…;完成;帮助…渡过难关  [更多..]



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