单词 clean out 例句大全,用单词clean out造句:

Clean visitor flats with sanitizers before guest check in and after check out.
Damn it Eric! Is this all because I didn't let you clean out the stupid garage?
Nowadays, dai Er also opens flagship store was in the store clean out treasure.
The lesions will bleach out and become clean wounds that will heal after a molt.
Oneself take a picture they clean out the dress in treasure inn, cummer is model.
Reduce trade the largest position that charge is the net that clean out treasure.
This past weekend my kids and I decided to clean out a closet under our staircase.
Bake for 35 minutes, or until wooden toothpick inserted in centers comes out clean.
Last week I found out shed been peeing on my stove, and I cant clean off the smell.
The same contractions that cause your stomach to growl also clean out the GI tract.
Warm beautifully chic Princess If You push the button, the toothpick out, clean health!
Brownies are done when toothpick inserted an inch from the edge of pan comes out clean.
The only way to keep the garage clean and tidy is to clean it out thoroughly once a year.
At the last Passover time before he died, Christ had to clean out the Temple once more.
I don't know how to clean out the default icons and refresh icons with my preferred icons.
It is earlier ripely one of express companies with the collaboration that clean out treasure.
The 2nd type The pisciculture water, water that clean out rice can be used irrigate a flower.
第二式养鱼水, 淘米水可以用来浇花。
Babies , in particular, are ultimate learning sponges because they start out with a clean slate.
婴儿, 尤其是学习的最终因为海绵清洁板岩出发。
In January 2008 Alibaba adjusts a search in layout, she moves hillock to enter clean out treasure.
在2008年1月阿里巴巴调整搜索布局中, 她调岗进入淘宝。
Out of all the unbecoming parts of drug addiction, the search for clean needles is particularly ghastly.
If I do clean out treasure, the affirmation of the preferred guest is the promotion of the high commission.
Bigger knew that soon he would have to clean the ashes out, for the fire was not burning as hotly as it should.
I find a clean pair of socks with no holes and get dressed. I head out the front door. Theres time for breakfast.
我找了一双没洞的袜子穿上, 朝门口走去, 该吃早饭了。
Clean teeth using brush and dog toothpaste. Do not use paste made for people because the Westies do not spit it out.
Motorists who don't change their own oil still know how to pull out a dipstick, wipe it clean, slip it back in, pull it out and observe the level.
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单词 clean out 释义

  • 单词释义:打扫;离开;肃清;<非正>使…失去钱财  [更多..]



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