单词 bored well 例句大全,用单词bored well造句:

I get on well there, but I'm bored.
Very educational as well. glad i got bored and found this lmao.
I'm getting bored of the silent treatment, so you might as well shoot me.
我受够了冷战 你干脆直接杀了我吧。
Oh well bored today, while learning and playing a while, at the computer all day.
今天好无聊哦, 学习一阵子, 又玩了一阵子, 整天对着电脑。
Well, being bored to death wasn't how I was planning to go, but we can try it your way.
Discussion of Bored Piles Break Treatment Using Well Point and Steel Pile Casting Method
Treatment of dregs at the ends of bored concrete piles by a combined technique of highpressure churning and windforce well cleanout
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