单词 bow tie 例句大全,用单词bow tie造句:

You can always tell a real bow tie from one that clips on.
Well, you have your own tuxedo, how did you tie your bow tie?
Donning a smoking jacket and bow tie seems the least one can do.
A black tux with white shirt and black bow tie is the best way to go.
Pull the two bow loops in opposite directions to snug the tie against your neck.
用手拽住蝴蝶结两端, 调整松紧和形状。
Wang Wei Ting remembered that she happiest was the bow tie marriage certificate that day.
王卫婷记得, 她最开心的就是领结婚证那天了。
At Christmas he found time to have a cup or two of holiday cheer and don his hollyshaped bow tie.
The day of the wedding dawned perfect and clear. Cognac wore a white collar and purple satin bow tie.
婚礼那天天气晴朗。科格纳克带着白脖圈, 打着紫缎蝴蝶结。
The suggestive sheerness of this shirt is juxtaposed with an androgynous bow tie and a bright printed skirt.
这件透视衬衫搭配中性领结和亮色印花裙, 效果很好。
a complete outfit including this jacket,trousers usually with a silken stripe down the side,a bow tie,and often a cummerbund
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