单词 bowl over 例句大全,用单词bowl over造句:

Thickly slice the warm potatoes and add to a serving bowl, then pour over the dressing.
将土豆切成后片放到大碗里, 倒入调味汁。
After lying there for some time, he peeked over the edge of the quilt at the bowl on the table.
Set up an ice bath. Place a medium bowl in the ice water and set a fine mesh strainer over the bowl.
准备一个冰盆, 冰盆上放一个碗, 碗上放一个细筛。
Transfer the almonds to a large bowl. Sprinkle the sugar mixture over and toss until they are evenly coated.
He pulled his thick cotton quilted jacket over his shoulders, picked up the small bowl that he used for tea and ran out.
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