单词 borrowing time 例句大全,用单词borrowing time造句:

When borrowing things return them on time.
With a credit card, you are borrowing money time you use it.
In fact, I'm borrowing here from one of those very popular books of the time.
事实上,我也只是借用了 当时非常流行的一本书上的观点
He is always borrowing money from me and forgetting all about it some time later.
With a credit card, you are borrowing money everytime every time you used use it.
使用信用卡时, 每当你使用的时候, 你是在借钱。
When borrowing money always pay it back on time, according the schedule agreed to.
With a credit credit card, you are borrowing money everythime every time you use it.
What was distinctive this time was that the new borrowing was concentrated in housing.
这次的特殊性在于, 新的借款都集中在房贷上。
Aren't you borrowing trouble by worrying about what's going to happen in five years'time?
At the same time, British English and American English started borrowing words from other
Produce your student card of identity card when Borrowing Books. Borrow only Book at a time.
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