单词 bottle up 例句大全,用单词bottle up造句:

He tried to give it up, but after a few months he was back on the bottle.
dolohov jumped up on to the window, holding the bottle of rum in his hand.
Closeup. Drop it! Bottle it! Dont play possum! Make it up! Watch you mouth.
Filling nozzle is diving bottle to fill and moving up slowly, avoid bubbling.
The bailiff had a weakness for Michael, whom he had known from his bottle up.
Get a refillable water bottle so you only have to get up a couple times a day.
You have to shake up the contents of the medicine bottle before taking a dose.
你得先把药瓶里的药水摇匀, 然后倒出一次的剂量服用。
In fact, it can require up to an entire vine to produce a single bottle of wine.
而事实上, 一瓶单独的冰酒就需要全部的葡萄。
With thoughts of separation and reconstitution he shook the bottle up like juice.
He picked up what seemed to be the smallest bottle and discreetly asked the price.
One that opens, especially a device used to cut open cans or pry up bottle caps.
Mix it up and put water in one Fuel Belt bottle and sports drink in the other three.
As soon as the sediment starts creeping up the shoulder of the bottle, stop pouring.
The cork leaves the bottle and his quick nose wants to pick up the escaping bouquet.
软木塞离开酒瓶, 他敏感的鼻子追踪着逃逸的酒香。
Instead of discussing their problems, they bottle up all their anger and resentment.
Tip the bottle up so it's in the same position as it would be when feeding the baby.
The nurse shook up the contents of the medicine bottle before giving the patient a dose.
He picks up a big bottle of sparkling water and places it on our tray before I pay the cashier.
Warm reception and given a little bottle of bubbly to cheer us up after travelling through the night.
So what did Little John do but pick up a lamp, a bottle, and a sausage, and march straight to the palace.
Just poke some holes around the bottom of the empty container and bury it in the ground up to the bottle neck.
And in the bottom o the carriage they be to put a noggin o rum in a small bottle, and chalk it up to my account.
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单词 bottle up 释义

  • 单词释义:克制; 遏制; 抑制; 约束  [更多..]



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