单词 box office 例句大全,用单词box office造句:

True faith drops its letter in the post office box, and lets it go.
I dropped by the post office and put my letters into the letter box.
我去邮局, 把信投到信箱里。
Fans besieged the box office to try and get tickets for the concert.
歌迷们围着售票处, 试图买到音乐会的票。
The new action packed adventure film is doing well at the box office.
This is an excellent proof that box office earnings have been sought.
I think it's more convenient if you send the box to my office address.
The number of a letter box at the post office where mail is collected.
This story is sequel to the 1996 box office blockbuster, 101 Dalmatians.
该片是1996年票房巨片101只花斑狗 的续集。
She couldn't act at all. Nonetheless she was a big box office attraction.
The Ice Storm and Ride with the Devil saw fairly mild box office success.
The quality of the movie itself contributed to its box office success too.
Chan is the most popular actor in Asia, its box office appeal unparalleled.
An American analyst tries to find out why box office receipts are going down.
Box office receipts for the movie's opening week were the highest in history.
Failing to achieve box-office success, the film stopped being shown to audiences.
Window frames are easy to hit , Box Office wall joints must dense , and not seamless.
窗框属易撞击处, 框墙接缝处一定要密实, 不能有缝隙。
Accordingly, when she reached that theatre she applied to the clerk at the box office.
因此, 当她到了那家戏院时, 就向票房的人打听这事。
A movie with a message, the movie was well received at the box office despite tepid reviews.
电影的一个讯息, 电影好评在票房上虽然温和评论。
We hope to annihilate other movies released in competition with this project at the box office.
Tycoon's box office gains in the first half of the Prize for Best Screenplay and Best Actor Award.
Nonendorsable, Nonreroutable, Refund refer to issuing office. En Box Nonendrrt, rfnd ref to iss ofc.
In South Africa, Lord of the Dance broke all box office records when tickets sold out in record time.
Life Is Beautiful has broken Italian box-office records, earning at least 72 billion lire ($US 40 million) and continues to be screened worldwide.
Once, when a movie was successful there used to be a ' sequel ', a follow-up film destined to build on the popularity of its predecessor and extend the life of the story at the box office.
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单词 box office 释义

  • 单词释义:票房,票房收入;售票处  [更多..]



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