单词 calendar year 例句大全,用单词calendar year造句:

Represents the half year ordinal of a year in a manufacturing calendar.
A series of issues of a periodical, usually covering one calendar year.
合订本一系列期刊, 常包含一年的
Seven weekssummer holiday every year is written into our school calendar.
This file is calendar year, National Computer Grade 4 examination papers.
Besides that, the association publishes every year a promotional calendar.
According to the Hindu calendar, each year is ruled by a particular planet.
Calendar year in March to May or even the minimum relative humidity of zero.
A calendar of the Christian year indicating the dates of fasts and festivals.
The maximum duration of stay remains fixed at eight months per calendar year.
Inserted in the calendar to make the calendar solar year. Used of a day month.
一九三五年, 政府将清明节订为扫墓节, 时间为阳历四月五日。
The presidential elections are the highlight of next year's political calendar.
The Earth around the Sun a week, called the calendar year, the cycle of endless.
地球绕太阳一周, 历法上叫一年, 循环往复, 永无止境。
Their cumulative period of service must not exceed six months per calendar year.
There will be no more than twelve hours of Scheduled Downtime per calendar year.
The New Year's Day of the Gregorian calendar is comparatively of less importance.
相对春节来说,公历的新年 元旦就不是很重要了。
If the period is less than six months, no fee will be payable for that calendar year.
Besides Chinese New Year, what are the other festivals according to the Lunar Calendar?
Everything came silent after the first day of new year according to the lunar calendar.
农历新年的第一天以后, 一切都恢复了沉寂。
The exact date of the Spring Festival on the Western calendar changes from year to year.
Serve a term one calendar year which is renewable upon the approval of the Church Board.
按日历任期一年, 只要教会执事会同意, 便得连任。
Through an accident of the calendar, Christmas and New Year are very close to each other.
The maximum number of months that you can display is 12, restricted to one calendar year.
Do I need to use my vacation days before the end of the fiscal year or the calendar year?
我需要在会计年度结束前, 还是年底前用完我的休假日?
The Tibetan Lunar Calendar New Year is a traditional holiday for the Tibetan ethnic group.
When Caesar returned to Rome and implemented the calendar the leap year became popularized.
当凯撒回到罗马并实施这种日历时, 闰年就被推广开来。
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