单词 calendar year 例句大全,用单词calendar year造句:

Article 11 A fiscal year starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 of the Gregorian calendar.
Any such change shall take effect at the beginning of the calendar year following the said session.
Article 8. The financial year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December of the Gregorian calendar.
Costs of sales in the 2009 calendar year is expected to be in the range of Cdn53 to Cdn54 per tonne.
The Census Bureau about a person's economic status in the calendar year before forms are distributed.
在表格发放之间, 人口普查局询问了人们的年度经济状况。
The sick leave shall not be accumulated from one solar calendar year to the next solar calendar year.
The athletics meeting at Crystal Palace promises to be a major event in this year's sporting calendar.
The following example aggregates over the first two months of the second semester of calendar year 2003.
Allocations would be valid for a period of one calendar year from the opening of the quota import period.
Applying tropical year and lunation, the exchange formula of calendar and solar calendar could be derived.
The annual Huanglong Temple Seance is held in June 1515 every year according to the Chinese lunar calendar.
The annual Huanglong Temple Seance is held in June 1517 every year according to the Chinese lunar calendar.
Sivan is the third month of the sacred festival year, and the ninth month of the modern Jewish Calendar year.
The festival, the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, falls on September 11 this year.
Last year! At a time when things change in the blink of an eye, the fool was still using last year's calendar!
Spring equinox, March 20 Gregorian calendar year or 21 day, the sun yellow arrive by 0 degrees when beginning.
春分, 每年公历3月20或21日, 太阳到达黄经0度时开始。
It is a cake steamed with the rice or rice flour with big stickiness, seasonable food for lunar calendar year.
Feb.18 of this year is the Spring Festival, the most important fete of the year according to our lunar calendar.
It further emphasized that the school supplies needed to be sent twice a year in accordance with the school calendar.
The Personal Safety Survey to be undertaken by the Bureau will be conducted in the second half of the2005 calendar year.
Real estate has become the focus of macroeconomic regulation and control of the calendar year accumulation of contradictions?
The lunar calendar new year time, I wish my relatives and friends all over the world a happy new year. Be lucky in the Dog Year.
Today is the last day of the year in lunar calendar. Every family is busy making dumplings to get prepared for the Spring Festival.
The only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shutup hearts freely.
In the 365 days of the calendar year on average, these figures show that 14.27 million will currently be added to China's population each year.
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