单词 beat about 例句大全,用单词beat about造句:

Remember how l told you about that bully l beat up in the fourth grade
In British english, you can also say that you don't beat about the bush.
在英式英语中, 你也能说你不兜圈子。
The policemen beat about the whole length of the country for the escape.
I need clarification about the night guy banister beat you over the head.
Don't beat about the bush, just tell me exactly how much you want for it.
别再绕圈子了, 快确切地告诉我你要价多少。
I meant to be open with him but when it came to it I beat about the bush.
Dont beat about the bush so much, tell us plainly what you are driving it.
Tell them you don't want to do it any more. Don't beat yourself up about it.
After being in the water for hours, our yacht beat about and sailed for home.
He didn't beat about the bush, but came straight to the heart of the problem.
If you've got bad news, don't beat about the bush, come straight to the point.
如果你得到了坏消息, 不要转弯抹角, 直截了当地对我说。
They only weight weigh about 22 kiloeskilos, so they do not beat down the soil.
After being in the water for six hours, the ship beat about and sailed for home.
Don't beat about the bush. In the way you go on, you are inevitably coming apart.
别再闪闪烁烁了。照你们这样下去, 毫无疑问是会散伙的。
If there's anything you want to say, don't beat about the bush and just say it out.
You whine about being beaten by time while it actually cant beat our capriciousness.
I wish you would answer my questions more directly. don't beat about the bush so much.
我希望你直截了当地回答我的问题, 别老是这样拐弯抹角。
Somebody's always passing rude remarks about me. Speak frankly and don't beat about the bush.
有人一直在说我的坏话。有话直说, 别打圈子。
The swimmer who had got a cramp in the leg beat about in the water, trying desperately not to drown.
那个游泳者腿部抽筋, 在水中乱扑打, 拼命挣扎以求免于溺死。
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单词 beat about 释义

  • 单词释义:四处闲逛,迎风斜驶  [更多..]



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