单词 cool off 例句大全,用单词cool off造句:

It is very cool to have an off site life club at EF.
英孚的户外生俱乐部分外酷, 能让我们边玩边学。
I'm going into the air-conditioned room to cool off.
Spray some water on your body and you will cool off.
He slammed the door and went for a walk to cool off.
Maybe he's trying to cool off out there in the rain.
The breeze off the lake will keep you cool all night.
I pen down the spirit of God cool dragon poems are off.
吾落神笔精神爽, 巨龙腾飞诗篇现。
Wash off fruits and vegetables with cool running water.
Simple analysis of common problems for cool off machine
Storms knock out power, but don't cool off southern Asia.
The robbers hid out in the suburbs of Boston to cool off.
She made a fanning motion, pretending to cool herself off.
The afternoon was so hot we dived into the river to cool off.
In the afternoon, Id like to plunge into the stream to cool off.
在下午, 我喜欢一头扎进小溪里凉快一下。
After the race, walk the horse around for a time to cool him off.
比赛后让马走动一下, 散一散热。
He cast off his clothes and dived into the cool water of the lake.
他脱掉衣服, 纵身跳入冰冷的湖水中。
It's too hot to consider. I command search somesocate to cool off.
Put the fish in baskets and keepin a cool, dry place off the ground.
Clive cast off his clothes and dived into the cool water of the lake.
克莱夫脱下衣服, 一头跳进冰冷的湖水中。
It's too hot to consider. I command to search somesocate to cool off.
Jack threw off his shirt and trousers and plunged into the cool water.
杰克匆匆脱下衬衫和长裤, 跳进凉水中。
Allow to dry, then rinse off with cool water, without pulling the skin.
等到干了以后, 用冷水冲洗掉, 不要推拉皮肤。
Cool the bended pipe by water, open the clamp and take off bended pipe.
用水冷却管材, 打开卡具将弯制好的管材取下。
Let it cool off for a bit and then smear the mixture into the pinecones.
等它们变凉些, 就可以涂到松果上去了。
Many carry water bottles to cool off radiators that frequently overheat.
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