单词 cool off 例句大全,用单词cool off造句:

RED FLASHING when the projector is overheated. Power off and let cool down
Very cool puzzle game where you must turn off all lights on the game field!
一款非常棒的游戏, 您需要将游戏盘上的灯全部关掉。
When the bath water started to cool I got out, dried myself off, and dressed.
Sunlight bounces off the light colored surface, so It'stays cool on hot days.
阳光反射淡色的表面, 所以它在炎热的天气里可以保持凉爽。
The crescent moon gave off faint rays that seemed to tremble in the cool breeze.
Or if it gets too hot, your thermostat registers, Turn the A. C. on. Cool us off.
如果房子里太热,中央空调 就会说 开冷气吧,让大家凉快
Well, if I had a cool cowboy hat like that, I probably wouldnt take it off either.
如果我有一顶像这么酷的牛仔帽, 我大也不会摘下来。
Take it off the flame and pour water on it, or let it cool down, the piston moves down.
Well, when you cool off, I will be home with a gigantic bouquet of your favorite flowers.
那等你冷静下来 我会给你带回家 送你一大束你最喜欢的花。
When this happens the telescope will cool off and freeze, warping its structure beyond repair.
The heat of summer in July, heat wave rolling the foot of the hill, here it is off cool breeze.
When summer comes, the courtyard is full of people who take off their shirts and enjoy the cool.
到了夏天, 院子里满是光膀子在乘凉。
When uninstall the column, pls cool down the column temperature to the room temp and then turn off the carrier gas.
拆卸色谱柱时, 先将柱温降至室温, 然后再关载气。
The projector temperature is above the critical limit. Please allow The projector to cool down by turning off the projector
Pour peach schnapps into shot glass, top off with Baileys. Float the Baileys on the schnapps to make it look cool, then enjoy!
先入蒸馏酒, 将百利甜浮其上!
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