单词 cosmetic surgery 例句大全,用单词cosmetic surgery造句:

A one night stand gay a tooth cosmetic surgery, the TRUTH is here.
Cosmetic surgery treatment principles of aged eyelid tissue relaxing
To discuss cosmetic surgery and psychiatric disorders, join the Fray.
讨论整容手术和精神障碍, 加入弗赖。
Others may have invested in cosmetic surgery, botox or laser treatments.
A study on psychological features of patients undergoing plastic and cosmetic surgery
And actually that's probably the difference between cosmetic surgery and this kind of surgery.
这可能是整容手术 和这些手术的不同之处。
Besides the biggest threat, another disadvantage in the cosmetic surgery is its untruthfulness.
First hand, cosmetic plastic surgery is undoubtedly the operation of hospitals and doctors scalpel.
第一只手, 无疑是整形整容医院和操手术刀的医生。
Analysis and countermeasures against mental problems among patients receiving cosmetic plastic surgery
She had suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest as she was being anesthetized for the cosmetic surgery, it said.
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单词 cosmetic surgery 释义

  • 单词释义:美容外科学,整容手术  [更多..]



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