单词 Dead Set 例句大全,用单词Dead Set造句:

From the beginning, Nixon has been dead set on controlling the situation.
That the more faithful you are, the more dead set I am on seducing your men
女人越坚贞呵, 我越要坚决勾引你们的男人
As soon as I walked in the room my nextdoor neighbour made a dead set at me.
But when more people turn up dead, Shaw realizes that he's been set up as bait.
但是, 当更多的人把死, 逸夫认识到, 他的成立为诱饵。
The conversion device60 may stop signal conversion in an interval during which a dead time is set.
The ideal of the family system is necessarily dead set against the ideal of personal individualism.
The newspapers have made a dead set at this politician for using his official car for private purposes.
Energy Saving Renovation of Auxiliary Pump of Water Cooling Machine Set ENERGY SAVING REVAMP TO CONDENSATE AND DEAD STEAM RECOVERY SYSTEM
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单词 Dead Set 释义

  • 单词释义:决定性攻击,猛烈攻击  [更多..]



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