单词 caddie fee 例句大全,用单词caddie fee造句:

caddie fee
Including green fee for16 holes, caddie fee.
The golf lesson fee excludes caddie fee and cart fee.
It is your caddie fee, thanks for your excellent service!
The Club only has an 18hole green fee and caddie fee at weekends.
周末若只打9洞, 果岭费和球僮费仍按18洞计算
The above prices are inclusive of green fee, caddie fee and locker.
以上价格包含果岭, 球童及衣柜。
Above total prices include 16 hole green fee, facility fee and a regular caddie fee.
The Club has 9hole green fee and caddie fee on weekdays while facility fee stays the same as 18 holes.
平日9洞果岭费和球僮费按18洞标准减半计算, 会所设施费不变
Extra 9hole green fee and caddie fee will be charged if the golfers play the other 9 holes after 18 holes.
若加打9洞, 其加打的果岭费和球僮费按18洞标准减半计算
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