单词 cabinet minister 例句大全,用单词cabinet minister造句:

If a member of the cabinet started making waves,the prime minister simply got rid of him.
The prime minister told reporters this morning that he plans to reshuffle his entire cabinet.
A Cabinet Minister a MP chosen by the Prime Minister to run a federal government departments.
He said decisions on cabinet appointments were a matter for the prime minister, which he respected.
他说, 内阁决定任命为总理, 这是他尊重的问题。
The remainder of the cabinet is appointed by the president on the recommendation of the prime minister.
The Prime Minister and the Cabinet meet in private to discuss and decide issues of paramount importance.
The Education Minister has resigned, and there will be general post among the other members of the cabinet.
教育部长已辞职, 内阁的其他成员也将有重大更动。
The cabinet minister fell from grace when the newspapers published a report about his extramarital activities.
The executive power is vested in the cabinet.The Prime Minister and other cabinet members areappointed by the President of the Republic.
Cabinet minister enriched his rights relying on his party, and a party could fight against other parties with the help of cabinet ministers.
阁臣依托党派为自己谋权, 党派借助阁臣攻击他党。
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单词 cabinet minister 释义

  • 单词释义:阁僚,大臣;总长  [更多..]



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