单词 candy bar 例句大全,用单词candy bar造句:

And what if after that, I offered you half the candy bar I have in my glove compartment?
Even the oatmeal, one critic noted, contains about as much sugar as a Snickers candy bar.
Finished eating the food, these friends decided the candy bar continued to while away the time.
When you buy a piece of software, it's not like buying a vase or a candy bar, where you own it.
如果你买了个花瓶 或是块糖 你可以拥有它。但如果是软件
Before the candy bar gate, the decadent paper money is curled up once more, ignition, cigarette ash deflecting.
糖果酒吧门前, 黄色的纸钱再次被卷起, 点燃, 烟灰飞散。
This chocolate cake is topped with caramel ice cream topping, and then whipped topping sprinkled with Butterfinger candy bar pieces.
此款巧克力上面涂有焦糖冰奶酪, 然后再撒上巧克力棒碎末。
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单词 candy bar 释义

  • 单词释义:单独包装的块状糖  [更多..]



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