单词 better order 例句大全,用单词better order造句:

Better same order bias estimator
We must order our affairs better.
One must draw back in order to leap better.
为了跳得远, 先要向后退。
For housing and order and a better environment.
An order to sell or buy at a certain price or better.
You'd better first put your disheveled hair in order.
It is better to verify this before fulfilling the order.
We must order our affairs better before we leave for Rome.
Accept good advices and believe the social order will be better.
In order to better windless, boatman let the three boats together.
If this order has better QC then bigger order will come very soon.
We should think about how we can contribute to a Better world order.
He emigrated from Britain to Australia in order to find a better job.
So maybe I would speak a few more remarks in order to clarify better.
The gardener pruned the bushes down in order to encourage better growth.
为了使灌木丛长得更好一些, 园林工人把灌木的冗枝剪掉。
We put off the conference in order to better cope with the tense situation.
May Allah guide all of us and may He grant us better understanding of His divine order.
To Realize a Better Mineral Resources Administration Order by Rectifying and Regularizing
标本兼治, 矿管秩序有望好转
Along its length, its height is stepped in order to better embrace the sloping topography.
沿其长度, 其高度为加强, 以便更好地拥抱坡地地形。
In order to ensure the success rate of vaccination, inoculation using alcohol lamp, better.
为了保证接种成功率, 接种时使用酒精灯, 效果更好。
In order to avoid pressure on the Internet, we'd better stagger our Internet surfing times.
为了避免网络堵塞, 我们最好错开上网时间。
In order to avoid pressure on the Internet, we'd better stagger our Internet surfing times.
为了避免网络拥堵, 我们最好错时上网。
In order to have a better harvest next year, the farmers are letting the fields lie fallow.
为了来年收成更好, 农民们正在修耕。
Ive decided to learn photography in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.
I've decided to learn photography in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.
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