单词 bet on 例句大全,用单词bet on造句:

Quite long odds,but amazingly I am willing to bet on it.
Mike I know, Jerry says we bet on Undulate, in the eighth.
Somepeople have already decided to bet on Tesco's success.
A trade is a bet on a price change, but there is a paradox.
交易者赌价格的变动, 但自相矛盾。
In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience.
在任何力量与耐心的比赛中, 把宝押在耐心上。
Some people have already decided to bet on Tesco's success.
The promoter offers you the opportunity to bet on one horse.
A trade is a bet on a price change, but there is a paradox.
He didn't care which side he bet on, as long as he had a bet.
在哪一边下注他不在乎, 有机会赌就行。
I lost a packet on that race. The horse I bet on came in last!
If the ball falls and stops on the number you bet on, you win.
Remember how I used to bet on football and basketball and such?
As a trader, which way will you bet on the bulls or the bears ?
作为交易者, 你会赌多头赢, 还是赌空头赢?
I would definitely place my bet on the chimpanzee, not on myself.
We daren't bet on the flight leaving on schedule in such weather.
遇上这种鬼天气, 我们不敢保证班机会依时启航。
Some members in the audience bet on each horse to win, place, or show.
The trouble is that planners in the Pentagon cannot afford to bet on it.
Backed by such analysis, the richest man Hu made up his mind to bet on it.
You may bet on anywhere from one to eight available pay lines on the reels.
Given all that, I wouldnt bet on the stock going much of anywhere for a while.
综上所述, 我暂时不赌该股能升到哪个价位。
I bet on a horse called Seabiscuit; however nobody thinks of it as a good one.
The favourite was heavily backed, ie Much money was bet on its winning the race.
Thus, teenagers as the pillars of our society should in no way bet on account of their immaturity.
Buying cattle futures contracts is basically, therefore, a bet on the future value of the commodity.
买牛的期货合同, 是最基本的。
I go to the racetrack, watch the pageantry of the horses, jockeys and silks, and enjoy the spectacle more because I have a $ 2 or $ bet on the outcome.
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