单词 birth rate 例句大全,用单词birth rate造句:

As a result, the Framework Act on the Aging Society with Low Birth Rate went into effect in September2005.
As different blood glucose control before delivery, the rate of abnormal birth weight was no difference. 2.
孕期糖代谢和产前血糖不同, 出生体重无统计学差异。
The report indicates that abortion still continues to be a widespread method for regulating the birth rate.
The demography of Xinjiang shows the features of low rate of birth, low rate of death and low rate of increase.
人口增长模式呈现低出生, 低死亡, 低增长的特点。
This form of progesterone has previously been shown to reduce the rate of recurrent preterm birth in singleton gestations.
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