单词 behavior change 例句大全,用单词behavior change造句:

What was it that caused this obvious change in his behavior and attitude
The change of the beam's stiffness can reflect the behavior of the beam.
What was it that caused this obvious change in his behavior and attitude.
It tells us something about why we see limited behavior change in Africa.
But they have really taken this problem of behavior change and solved it.
但是,牙科却很好地解决了 行为改变这个问题。
AIDS prevention campaigns to change behavior have been aimed mostly at man.
So this looks like the beginning of a very big change in consumer behavior.
So disclosure of pollution led many factories to change their own behavior.
But we are a long, long way from seeing such evidence and of any behavior change.
The precipitation behavior, form, quantity and Composition of Carbide also Change.
并影响了正火时碳化物的析出行为, 种类, 数量及成分。
Experimental Study on Thermal Cycling Behavior of Fatty Acids as Phase Change Materials
If we want to encourage change of behavior, gallons per mile would have far more effectiveness.
如果想要改变消费者行为 每英里耗油会有效的多
to change their brains and their behavior, for their benefit and for the benefit of the rest of us.
改变他们大脑和行为的办法,这对他们和 我们都有好处。
Many kids announce the onset of adolescence with a dramatic change in behavior. around their parents.
To change the wrapping behavior of long headings, change Indent at to a larger value, as shown below.
The more adaptive behavior in which communicators engage, the more their cultural beliefs will change.
交际者的调整性行为越多, 其文化理念的变化越大。
with discrimination and stigma of a declaration of war, risk behavior change, prevention of new infections.
与歧视和污名化宣战, 改变危险行为, 预防新发感染。
Now, we're not going to change corporate behavior by simply increasing corporate philanthropy or charitable contributions.
仅仅通过提高企业慈善或慈善捐赠 不会改变企业行为。
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