单词 boat race 例句大全,用单词boat race造句:

The big event for the Dragon Boat Festival is the Dragon Boat race.
Our boat started the race well, but soon dropped away from the others.
比赛开始时, 我们的船走得很好, 可是, 不久就落在别的船后。
But we can see yearly Dragon Boat Race events in Honk Hong and Taiwan.
但我们可以看到, 每年的龙舟竞赛活动在按喇叭, 香港和台湾。
The dragon boat race is still very popular because it is a good sport.
The eight men kept together during the boat race as though they were one.
People hold dragon boat race on Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Quyuan.
The cox steers the boat with a rudder and organize the tactics of the race.
You might race a dragon boat and look for wild monkeys and hanging coffins.
A Trial Analysis of the Development and Characteristics of Dragon Boat Race
They were winning the boat race until their boat ran aground on a sandbank.
Historical records, dragon boat race commemorates the patriotic poet qu yuan.
The eight men kept together throughout the boat race as though they were one.
On its rituals side, studies mainly focus on the dragon boat race and eating rice dumpling.
在端午仪式行为方面, 侧重于对龙舟竞渡, 食粽习俗的探析。
This has become now Boat Festival, eating dumplings, fried cake, the origin of the boat race.
During the race, Baird's lead over Nippon had dwindled from 42 seconds to within two boat lengths.
The dragon boat race has become a cultural brand name of Shunde with international influence power.
赛龙夺锦, 已经成为顺德一项具有国际影响力的文化品牌。
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