单词 blow up 例句大全,用单词blow up造句:

When Singapore fell, he stayed behind to blow up a couple of bridges.
当新加坡陷落的时候, 他在后面炸掉了几座大桥。
With Will.i.am’s help, I wonder if 2NE1 is gonna blow up in America.
Punch through the dirt, collect the gold and blow up brick or enemies.
To blow up, shatter, or otherwise destroy with or as if with dynamite.
破坏用或象是用炸弹破坏, 爆炸或其他形式的破坏。
But by then the disciple was able to control his mind and didnt blow up.
The net result is that renaming a directory doesnt blow things up anymore.
最终结果是, 重命名某个目录不会再破坏别得任何东西。
Eva Thats the basic idea.It should be enough to blow up the entire hangar.
A lot of the press corps thought that this was going to blow up eventually.
Returning he finds the unpaid construction workers about to blow up the dam.
They sent in bombers to blow up the bridge and all the Israelites were saved.
A British passport holder tried to blow up an airliner with a bomb in his shoe.
The insurgents blow up railway tracks, seize land and chase away forest guards.
起义者炸毁了铁轨, 夺去了土地, 赶走了森林警卫。
Blow up a photographic enlargement of copy such as photography, artwork or type.
Now, when these things blow up, they're not going to do global ecological damage.
这样的陨石爆炸 不会造成全球性的生态破坏
This tyre won't blow up a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim.
He has been charged with trying to blow up the airliner as it was coming in to land.
German authorities have arrested one suspect allegedly trying to blow up two trains.
German authorities have arrested one suspect who allegedly tried to blow up two trains.
德国当局已逮捕一名嫌犯, 他们涉嫌企图炸毁两辆列车。
I told my little brother he was suppose to blow up the balloons which were in my dresser.
我让我弟弟去我的柜子里拿气球, 把它们吹大。
But just like the old mantra, the new one is likely to blow up on investors some of the time.
Then there are essences and serums, which is where the number of steps can blow up, Ms. Kim said.
The first thing he asked me was to help him get some dynamite, so that he could blow up Kim Jong Il.
He was impatient and irritable, so it was conceivable that he would blow up at you once you offended him.
Existence of Solutions to a Class of Doubly Degenerate Equations and Blow up with Vanishing Initial Energy
If I don’t answer the phone between 8 am and 5 pm, that probably means I’m busy at work. Common sense, people. No need to blow up my phone repeatedly.
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单词 blow up 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)爆炸;产生;爆发;发怒  [更多..]



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