单词 blow away 例句大全,用单词blow away造句:

Air dryers can also blow remaining germs as far as six feet away.
The boss said we were to blow you away if you give us any trouble.
Call upon air and ether to blow away that which no longer resonates.
Yeah, last time we met you just wanted to blow me away with a bazooka.
呃, 啊。是啊, 上次你见到我们只是想用火箭炮将我们轰杀。
The high tide will erase my footprints, and the wind blow away the foam.
Blow away, blow away, the only thing left is feeling of the warm popcorn
It was good for me to get a start and blow the cobwebs away,'said Walcott.
Let's go out for a walk to blow the cobwebs away!We've been working all day.
我们出去散散步, 清醒一下头脑吧!我们已经工作了一整天。
Strong winds can also blow away the valuable soil liesthe top of the fields.
At the latter point, a strong wind commences to blow away from the explosion.
在后一点, 开始有一股强烈的风从爆炸处吹来。
Use a soft, fat brush and blow away any excess before you start on your face.
The hight tide will erase my footprints, and the wind will blow away the foam.
The insurgents blow up railway tracks, seize land and chase away forest guards.
起义者炸毁了铁轨, 夺去了土地, 赶走了森林警卫。
It was so dry that horses and cows started to dry up and blow away in the wind.
The high tide will erase my footprints, And the wind will blow away the foam.
Because the winds on Antarctica were so extreme, it would blow anything else away.
Supplier will add the process of blow away water mark between cleaning and baking.
Gentle breeze in summer, blow away scorching sun, but can't blow away our attaching.
Strong winds can also blow away the valuable soil that lies on the top of the fields.
And so you need to make the sound of wind and blow them away and read the rest of the book.
所以你需要弄出风的声音将它们吹走 然后读书下面的部分
The police usually pushes it under one of the windscreen wipers so that it will not blow away.
If the sea breeze blow away your voice, willing to reach out to lunch, a collage of your dreams.
若海风吹散你的歌声, 午饭愿伸出双手拼贴你的梦想。
so you could make a picnic sheet that wraps around the table, so that way on a windy day it wouldn't blow away.
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单词 blow away 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)吹掉;吹去;给…留下深刻印象;深深打动  [更多..]



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