单词 blow in 例句大全,用单词blow in造句:

I couldn't get a blow in, even if I was standing right in front of the target.
A British passport holder tried to blow up an airliner with a bomb in his shoe.
You're trying to show your best sides, so don't blow it in some pique of anger.
I gave him a sharp blow in the stomach, rushed out and left him moaning behind.
我给了他狠命的一拳, 然后夺门而出, 留下她在后面呻吟。
Let the wind blow and waves beat, better far than idly strolling in a courtyard.
不管风吹浪打, 胜似闲庭信步
When blow in is used of all coke, the suspending burden is easily produced in No.
莱钢第一铁厂采用全焦开炉时, 开炉过程易产生顽固性悬料。
The asceticism that is buddhism is right the blow of the art in Taoist school room.
He has been charged with trying to blow up the airliner as it was coming in to land.
In our many dealings with the police, we have found that they can blow hot and cold.
Gentle breeze in summer, blow away scorching sun, but can't blow away our attaching.
Wind blowing out I blow the assured, and burger in bottom of the heart of you of shape.
I told my little brother he was suppose to blow up the balloons which were in my dresser.
我让我弟弟去我的柜子里拿气球, 把它们吹大。
Though he has resentment in his heart, he does not express annoyance at the unexpected blow
虽有忮心, 不怨飘瓦
The blow was so awful that the branches of all the trees in the surrounding grove trembled.
The final blow to private property came in 1978 with the 44 th amendment to the Constitution.
Furniture of the traditional annatto that make is in on should blow first before Qi Zhi grind.
The present report is submitted at a moment when the winds of peace are beginning to blow in Angola.
Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow The plane have pass over the mountain and be In the clear.
A train in the wilderness encountering another train, the blow their whistles to each other in greeting.
If anything the wind does blow in the right direction towards beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.
in a sudden, there came a blow of breeze. theres a strike of blazing light across the sky, a star went down.
Absence extinguishes small passions and increase great ones, as the wind will blow out a candle, and blow in a fire.
Western wind when wilt thou blow, The small rain down can rain Christ, if my love were in my arms And I in my bed again!
Uses the deep hole achievement to blow off the building, the hole figure selects does not have presses in the dam the sluiceway.
A character must tap a psionic tattoo, swing a sword, interpose a shield to deflect a blow in combat, wear a mask, or don a psychoactive skin.
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单词 blow in 释义

  • 单词释义:吹进;突然来访;花光(钱);滥花(钱)  [更多..]



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