单词 body belt 例句大全,用单词body belt造句:

The shoulder belt should fit against your body.
Especially around the belt loops and inside the body part of the jean.
尤其在裤耳以及大身部分, 我们不想看到大量线头。
The ringlike elastic belt is not disposed in the crotch panel of the absorbent main body.
Brown coal will be broken with a large angle belt conveyor, into the rolling cylinder body.
将破碎褐原煤用大倾角皮带运输机, 送入滚动筒体内。
The Sandstone Body Distributing Model of Barranca Split Belt in Baimiao Area, Dongpu Depression
The belt periosteum puts from the body skull bone petal to the abdomen hypodermic embedding preservation clinical research
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单词 body belt 释义



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