单词 boat house 例句大全,用单词boat house造句:

Dinner and overnight stay in house boat.
晚饭后, 夜上住在房子小船。
Hello Welcome to the House Boat Lake Ozark.
Is there a painting of a boat in your house ?
We were passing by a boat house when we met her.
我们从游艇停泊处经过, 碰上了她。
We can crash at my father's house boat for the week.
We burned our boat and bet all the house on one hand.
He had a house there and a dock and a little aluminum boat.
I was delighted with the idea of living in a boat for a house.
拿船当房子住, 这想法使我感到高兴。
a structure made with timbers,as the framework of a boat or house
Bearing from RC boat toward to Keelung Island light house is 346 degrees.
The buyer missed boat and never got the house when be offered too low a bid.
这位买主出价太低, 失去了机会, 没有买到那幢房子。
The buyer missed the boat and never got the house when he offered too low a bid.
这位买主出价太低, 失去了机会, 结果没有买到那幢房子。
I suspect the other parts of the White House complained he was rocking the boat.
Engrave to leave my house and fishing boat of adopted father house, oneself thinks a way to compensate him.
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