单词 blue grass 例句大全,用单词blue grass造句:

Mommie, why is the grass green and the sky blue?
为什么草是青的, 天是蓝的?
She lay on the grass, contemplating the high, blue sky.
她躺在草地上, 凝视着高高的蓝天。
She lay back on the grass to contemplate the high, blue sky.
她坐在草地上凝视着高高的, 蓝蓝的天。
Chengdu, the Blue Grass but also quite well known, a wide variety.
但是成都的兰草也颇有名气, 品种繁多。
Ornamental grass such as mondo grass, pampas grass, blue fescue, etc.
Whole implements if one blue grass spend, fragrant and simple and elegant.
But after were beaten black and blue, that's when we know were just the grass.
As they talked on,the evening turned blue, light fog brushing the meadow grass.
Colortangerine, grass green, light blue, creamcolored and could be decided by customer.
颜色桔红, 草绿, 湖蓝, 米黄或根据用户要求而定。
The water was level and easy, soft blue, the grass brilliant, spattered with wildflowers.
Four ducks on a pond. A grass bark beyond. A blue sky of spring. White clouds on the wing. What a little thing.
Preliminary Study on the Allelopathy of Italian Ryegrass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Creeping Bent Grass and White Clover
The moss creeping onto the doorsteps turns them green. The color of the grass reflected through the bamboo curtains turns the room blue.
苔痕上阶绿, 草色入帘青。
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