单词 brackets 例句大全,用单词brackets造句:

Analysis about influencing facrors of Orthodontic Brackets in its Bond Strength
Put the booms of the port and starboard crane onto the brackets and secure them.
It was agreed that the square brackets around the word fixtures should be deleted.
In either case, it is permissible for an expression to appear inside the brackets.
The beams are used to support the whole structure during shifting of the brackets.
It was agreed that the square brackets should be removed from the word declaration.
The device comprises brackets for mounting a bedpan and a water tank of a toilet pan.
Well you printed out the brackets and then replaced the old brackets with the new ones.
你可以打印出来一些新的支架 然后把旧的支架替换掉。
The Commission therefore agreed to delete the first set of words within square brackets.
Effect of sandblasting on shear bond strength between rebonded metal brackets and enamel
The support rod frames respectively hinged by a central bracket and brackets at two ends.
The roof by beautifully decorated brackets hold, overlying the turquoise blue glazed tile.
屋顶由雕饰精美的斗拱托住, 上覆翠蓝琉璃瓦。
After discussion, it was agreed that recommendation99 should be retained in square brackets.
The numbers in square brackets correspond to the numbers of the articles adopted on first reading.
It was agreed that they should be retained in square brackets for consideration by the Commission.
工作组同意, 应将这些定义保留在方括号内, 供委员会审议。
The Working Group next considered the text that appeared in square brackets in the draft provision.
Specification for ancillary components for masonry Part 1 ties, tension straps, hangers and brackets.
砖石建筑辅助件规范。第1部分拉杆, 带条, 吊架和托架
Double right angle brackets are used to append the output of a command to a file, if the file exists.
These wheels supports the whole launching wagon and bracket during launching of the brackets forward.
The numbers in square brackets refer to the numbering adopted in the reports of the Special Rapporteur.
The Secretariat's comments are set out in the accompanying footnotes and in the square brackets in bold.
Temple in front of the original five large arches, cornices brackets, bearing extraordinary, magnificent.
庙门口原有五间大牌坊, 斗拱飞檐, 气宇非凡, 蔚为壮观。
Experimental study on static frictional resistance between preadjusted brackets and archwires in artificial saliva
Radius arms, cross members, radius arm brackets and cross member brackets rebuilt or modified for new axle locations.
In my opinion, this is a dovetail structure joined together by a number of wooden bars, laths, brackets, mortise and tenon joints and rafters.
竹, 木, 石制器物或构件上利用凹凸方式相接处凸出的部分。

单词 brackets 释义

  • 单词释义:括弧( bracket的名词复数 );等级;类别层次;壁架  [更多..]



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