单词 brick layer 例句大全,用单词brick layer造句:

Her husband is a brick layer.
The brick layer at the top of the scaffold is calling for more mortar.
the B team to shepherd. The brick layer to shepherd's architect. i get it.
山寨版谢博德 是谢博德的垫脚石头,我懂了
Due to seismic requirements, brick houses generally 5 layer, 6 layer below.
由于抗震的要求,砖混住宅一般在5层 6层以下。
Cement mortar and reinforced concrete layer reinforcing function to brick wall
The crack occurred in silica brick generally includes surface crack and layer crack.
With the increase of campaign, slag layer covering the surface of porous brick became thicker and combined blowing effect was reduced.
随着炉龄增加, 透气砖表面覆盖渣层加厚, 复吹效果降低。
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