单词 chocolate cake 例句大全,用单词chocolate cake造句:

You must avoid taking sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, and ice cream.
My boyfriend likes to eat dessert very much, especially chocolate cake.
Oh, you should have tasted the white chocolate cake she made last week.
Currently always craving, chocolate chiffon cake with chocolate frosting.
As for single people, 'I don't know, try eating chocolate cake, 'he said.
Wait until the cake is cold enough, and then dust it with chocolate chips.
等蛋糕凉一些, 就往上面撒些巧克力脆片。
Waiter Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding.
The cake was made up of dark and white chocolate tiers, layered with ganache.
On the table, the cake into trading, poured hot chocolate sauce or maple syrup can.
上桌时, 把饼放入盘中, 浇上热巧克力酱或者枫树糖浆, 即可。
The traditional Neapolitan cake of chocolate and almonds, decorated with icing sugar.
Garnish the cake with whipped cream, blueberries coconut shreds and chocolate shaves.
用少许的打发的鲜奶油, 蓝莓, 椰丝和巧克力碎装饰。
John How about this weekend Ill bake a chocolate cake with chocolate icing for you!
He lingered over the chocolate cake, letting each forkful slowly dissolve in his mouth.
Rich, moist chocolate cake topped with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge and caramel sauce.
One day, Mona Lisa came to his bakery and found that da Vinci was baking his chocolate cake.
一天, 蒙娜丽莎去他的面包房, 看见他正在烤巧克力蛋糕。
Flavors of black cherry and dark chocolate combine with black olive and spicy fruit cake tones.
Coat cake with milk chocolate cream. Decorate sides with chocolate rice and top withand strawberries.
在蛋糕洒上可可粉, 加上巧克力和草莓装饰即可。
The desserts at Wilbers are already getting a reputation lemon meringue pie, chocolate mousse, cheese cake.
This chocolate cake is topped with caramel ice cream topping, and then whipped topping sprinkled with Butterfinger candy bar pieces.
此款巧克力上面涂有焦糖冰奶酪, 然后再撒上巧克力棒碎末。
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