单词 Demetrius Ⅱ 例句大全,用单词Demetrius Ⅱ造句:

And king Demetrius confirmed him in the high priesthood.
为此, 德默特琉王也委任他为大司祭。
Demetrius OCVO This is where we make the kabob and the souvlakis.
And Demetrius heard these words, and was exceeding sorry, and said.
德默特琉一听说了这事, 便忧闷地说。
OBERON Stand aside. The noise they make Will cause Demetrius to awake.
Why do you refused to marry demetrius? He is really a worthy gentleman!
And Demetrius sent a letter to Jonathan with peaceable words, to magnify him.
Ptolemy took his daughter away and gave her to Demetrius. In this way, his enmity towards Alexander became public.
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单词 Demetrius Ⅱ 释义

  • 单词释义:德米特里厄斯Ⅱ  [更多..]



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