单词 demand from 例句大全,用单词demand from造句:

Stations with large freight traffic volume shall e set with freight line meeting the demand for unloading from the whole train.
a shift from quantity to quality in educational demand, and a shift from single unitary contradiction to multicontradictions.
Spake is in demand for charity functions, has written a book to go with the series, and is now on leave from Aeroflot, working for the BBC on ideas for new shows.
Unit system fills in the area with a vacuum between nation and personal, and adapt to the demand which come from social and political integration at the same time.
Rickshaw coolies were always in demand, hawker jostled for favoured stations on pavements and coolies worked long hours conveying the citys merchandize from the harbour to city stores.
黄包车夫总是很抢手的, 叫卖小贩为了一个更好的位置争夺。
One school of thought attributed the Korean economic recovery to one fuelled by domestic demand coming from a class of new-rich middle class and, lately, gains from the Korean stockmarket.
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单词 demand from 释义

  • 单词释义:向…要求[索取]  [更多..]



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