单词 descending colon 例句大全,用单词descending colon造句:

Resection of descending colon
appendices epiploicae of descending colon
Follow with the left leg as it presses the descending colon directly.
接着练习左脚, 因为它直接按压结肠。
Several diverticula are seen along the length of the descending colon.
The left side predominates over the right in the descending colon and the rectum.
The distribution was the most in the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon.
分布以升结肠, 横结肠, 降结肠多见。
The right arm of the pancreas is located between the descending duodenum and the ascending colon.
胰脏的右叶, 位于下行十二指肠, 与上行的结肠之间。
A comparative study on lectin receptors in mucosal epithelium of human fetal ascending and descending colon
Descending Colon and Already Shape Colon Normal Position New Urinary Bladder Technique Curative Effect Observation
Alteration of ion transport across the colonic epithelium in the rat descending colon applying by benzalkonium chloride
Colonic cancer was in23 cases, of which13 were of carcinoma of rectum,5 were of carcinoma of sigmoid and5 were of descending colon.
Objective TO investigate the alteration of ion transport across the colonic epithelium in the rat descending colon applying by benzalkonium chloride.
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