单词 developed water 例句大全,用单词developed water造句:

The failure mode that developed during rapid drawdown of water level was of the multiple retrogressive type.
They have developed the ability to move rather than just drift, jetting at up to four knots through the water.
The precursor of dinosteranes were dinoflagellate algae developed in the saline and brackish water environments.
Practice shows that the leakage listening detector of developed can effectively detect the water pipeline leakage.
The Water Tunnel Experiment Study of Developed Cascade Near Francis Runner Band Cavitation Area and Profile Improvement
The discrimination method of downstream water pattern from broad crest weir in flat sluice was developed in this paper.
The traffic convenience of land and water has graceful environment and rich products, mechanical manufacturing industry is developed.
水陆交通方便, 环境优美, 物产丰富, 机械制造业发达。
As a popular saying goes:"Those living on a mountain live off the mountain, those living near the water live off the water." Therefore he had the idea of making use of the sand and developed a special tourism item of desert exploration.
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