This affected the creations result, the success of the literature of the worker, farmer, soldier is a little.
The creations of a small coterie of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it,
All these birds are the creations of Amitabha Buddha, fashioned in order to broadcast the sounds of the Dharma.
Available in eight different styles, these glamorous creations are the perfect accessory to a summer cocktail dress.
Armed with this information, we can design biologically inspired re-creations of the methods used by the human brain.
The hallmark of a neobiological civilization is that it returnsthe designs of its creations toward the organic, again.
His great novel Soul Mountain is one of those singular literary creations that seem impossible to compare with anything but themselves
It is understood that the cut off date for submission of creations for this painting and calligraphy competition is set at April 20, 2002.
With the modification of crown height and burner position, there were creations against current popular burning design in furnace structure.
而在窑炉结构上, 对碹顶高度与喷枪的位置进行了调整。